Wes Thrailkill
Guitarist, Composer, Teacher
Release Date: June 28th, 2024
Track Listing:
1. Emptiness That Is You
2. Encapsulated Error(s)
3. Ego Lender
4. Cattywampus
5. A Smile In Exile
6. Recidivist
7. Base Jump
8. Karma Test
9. The Uncanny Valley
10. NeveroddoreveN
Runtime: 47:58
Guitar: Wes Thrailkill
Bass: Chase Bryant
Drums: Aliyar Kinik
Mixed by Adam Bentley in Nashville, TN
Mastered by Ermin Hamidovic in Melbourne, Australia
Drum Engineer - Dennis Lafferton
Drums Tracked at R.A.U.M. 103 in Darmstadt, Germany
Guitars and Bass Tracked in Huntsville, AL
Album Cover and CD Design - Wes Thrailkill
It was a blast being able to work with Chase and Aliyar again. We first all met studying at Musician’s Institute in Los Angeles back in 2013 and have played hundreds of shows together over the years. My musical makeup and language has been largely sculpted by both of them. After a reunion at Euroblast in 2019 we made a pact to do another record together. It probably took longer than we expected but after 5 years, 'Unperson' is finished. The album deals with themes of ostracism and coming to terms with the small niche we have carved out for ourselves in the world. One third of the record was written while still living in LA, the next third while moving and the final third as we settled into our new place across the country. Listening back I’m able to hear and relive all those feelings. This record helped me get through. Ultimately I always come back to the realization that composing music has always been what makes me feel whole. The prospect of becoming a father later this year has definitely shaped how this record came to be.
Regarding the album cover, we adopted 'Cheeks' (our cat on the left) when no one wanted him at the shelter. He's probably heard more time signature changes than he wishes to while sleeping on my 4x12, but he became a large inspiration to me - always stoked even with the chance of his health declining at any moment being a real possibility.
For this release I'll be printing CD's, posters, guitar tabs, 2 new T shirt designs, and various gear we used during the recording. I will also be restocking some old physical CD releases. Stay tuned for a studio documentary leading up to the release on youtube, as well as a few guitar play throughs.
Lastly, I just want to say thank you. Your messages of support through the years have pushed me to keep pursuing all these weird sounds, and I am eternally grateful for all of you.